Hello all!
I figured that I haven't really introduced you guys to what my actual weight loss journey has been like. I've been posting and I feel like I haven't really introduced myself which is kind of the basis for this blog. So here we go...
When I was young, I was pretty thin and always super tan for some reason (Haha!). Then when I started to become a teenager, I found out that I had Hashimoto's disease. For those of you who don't know, it is a form of thyroidism. There is Hypo and Hyperthyroidism (underactive and overactive) and there is also Hashimotos disease and Graves disease (underactive and overactive) basically my body attacks my thyroid because it doesn't work correctly and my body thinks its a foreign object. To the left is a comparison:
From the point when I was about 12 I started to gain weight (some because of medication I had to take, some from my disease, and some from diet. We have a German family. German cooking). Rapidly. And I kept gaining up until high school where I hit 215lbs at the time of my graduation. After I got into college I gained more until I hit my max at 234lbs. I was so unhappy. I wasn't taking care of my body. I wasn't making good relationships. In general, it wasn't a good time in my life.
Around this time I went to the doctor and, thanks to modern medicine, I drop down to 204lbs. "Wow! This is great!" I thought. So I kept taking the medication at the intervals I was allowed and I ended up dropping to 197lbs. The first time I had been under 200lbs since the beginning of high school! I was so excited! I thought this was the end of my troubles. I was finally in a good relationship and I was losing weight.
Then I did something stupid...
Long story short, I tore my ulnar collateral ligament in my left thumb doing the splits. I had to have surgery the week before Christmas and this left me without a left hand for about three months. I had already gained some weight back before this, but then my surgery stunted me and gained back up to 212lbs.
Well I already told about how Megan was my inspiration to get healthy. On December 13, 2012 I had surgery on my hand and on February 27, 2013 my surgeon released me from his care. Then, at the beginning of May, I started my fitness journey. My three month mark is fast approaching and I am amazed with what my body has accomplished. What I have accomplished. A few days ago I weighed myself and I was at 179.6lbs!* I haven't been under 180lbs since middle school! I am completely changed. I've said it once and I will say it a million times, I am never going back. I have come too far and feel way too good to turn back now. The skies' the limit!
So that's me so far. I hope you stay tuned to see me in the future. C:
buh bye!
From the point when I was about 12 I started to gain weight (some because of medication I had to take, some from my disease, and some from diet. We have a German family. German cooking). Rapidly. And I kept gaining up until high school where I hit 215lbs at the time of my graduation. After I got into college I gained more until I hit my max at 234lbs. I was so unhappy. I wasn't taking care of my body. I wasn't making good relationships. In general, it wasn't a good time in my life.
Around this time I went to the doctor and, thanks to modern medicine, I drop down to 204lbs. "Wow! This is great!" I thought. So I kept taking the medication at the intervals I was allowed and I ended up dropping to 197lbs. The first time I had been under 200lbs since the beginning of high school! I was so excited! I thought this was the end of my troubles. I was finally in a good relationship and I was losing weight.
Then I did something stupid...
Long story short, I tore my ulnar collateral ligament in my left thumb doing the splits. I had to have surgery the week before Christmas and this left me without a left hand for about three months. I had already gained some weight back before this, but then my surgery stunted me and gained back up to 212lbs.
Well I already told about how Megan was my inspiration to get healthy. On December 13, 2012 I had surgery on my hand and on February 27, 2013 my surgeon released me from his care. Then, at the beginning of May, I started my fitness journey. My three month mark is fast approaching and I am amazed with what my body has accomplished. What I have accomplished. A few days ago I weighed myself and I was at 179.6lbs!* I haven't been under 180lbs since middle school! I am completely changed. I've said it once and I will say it a million times, I am never going back. I have come too far and feel way too good to turn back now. The skies' the limit!
So that's me so far. I hope you stay tuned to see me in the future. C:
buh bye!

*NOTE: I know my progress pictures say 182. Explanation: I weighed myself a few days before those pictures and, instead of weighing myself that day, I just took the number I already knew. I weighed myself the next morning and I was actually at 179.6.
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